Sunday, July 12, 2009

Today was a lazy day to start with. I just lay in the bed thinking of what all I needed to do.

First on the list was to wrap a gift for a wedding shower that was from 2-4 PM this afternoon. I had the gift for days and of course put off wrapping it until the last minute. Got that done, ribbon attached and card taped on. Put it in my chair so I wouldn't go off and leave it. My memory isn't what it used to be.

Read the Sunday newspaper, but there wasn't that much and now for months there hasn't even been a Michael's ad with a coupon in it. Hobby Lobby didn't have a coupon either. Didn't know anyone in the obit section, thank goodness,. Didn't know any of the babies born either. Didn't know any of the brides in that section. Maybe all of the people my age have their children married off by now.

Showered and forgot to brush my wet hair until I got inside the truck. Good that I had a brush in there. If my kids find out all of this
forgetfulness, they might say it is time to find a new home for me, one with 24 hour care.

I had used
MapQuest to find where the shower was as it was "out in the country," as if where we live isn't rural enough. Thank goodness I remembered the house number because I passed up the driveway on the dirt road and spotted 926 and knew I had arrived. Backed up and went up the driveway. Only two cars were there which made me think maybe the shower was next Sunday afternoon, but recognized them as my friend and also her mom's car. Whew!

The shower was at the new home of a former student of mine and it is gorgeous on the inside and outside as well. The bride-to-be had her own chair and you could tell because there was a veil on the back of it. Cute touch! Lots of ladies, most of them I didn't know. The bride is marrying my friend's son and he is also a former student of mine. They received so many lovely gifts. The food, cake, and drink was so tasty. Nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

When I got home, I got out of my newest dress and put my pearls back into their box and changed into a "house dress". I only wear dresses now that I am retired that have a yoke and hang down from the shoulders. Makes me think of a funny story about one of those dresses, but I will tell you about that one another time.

My daughter wanted me to run over to her house, 12 miles away, to see the things she had purchased for her daughter's wedding which is in September. She has been one busy bee along with working full time, being a mother to the last chick in the nest, keeping a spotless home, and spending time with her husband. He is definitely a wonderful man.

The last chick asked if Papa, my husband, could make "real" blueberry muffins. He is the resident cook around here because he will try just about anything and I cook things like roast with rice and gravy. His sister's "to be" has some blueberry bushes at his house and it is between our town and my daughter's town. He said if so, he would go and pick some and send them home with me. We made a B-line over there and he picked a ton of fresh berries. Bill said he would make some muffins for him if he could wait until Tuesday. Blueberry muffins will be ready on Wednesday if anyone is in this neck of the woods.

Now I have returned home and to my computer and decided to give you a run down on my day thus far. I still have to look for one more roll of ribbon that I know is somewhere amidst my stash and finish preparing the charms that I have to attach to the
sandalwood fans for the wedding. You see, it is an outdoor wedding in September and in Louisiana, you can melt during that month if you stay outside for very long. My idea to get fans for everyone and have them on the seats when people arrive. The ceremony isn't going to last long, but 2.5 seconds is long in our humidity.


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