This has been a fast paced week. We didn't do one thing on Labor Day, but had fun none-the-less. Slept late and then stayed on the computer all the rest of the day.
Therapy this week. I refused to do the stuff for my shoulders. Having several days off made me realize that my shoulder was hurting after therapy, but not as badly when I let it settle down for several days. One of the therapists really gets out of joint when I refuse to do something and always says she is going to have to talk to the head guy about it. Hey, it is my body and I can do with it as I please. He must have told her I didn't have to do it, but she said that now we will be aggressive with the knees.
She put me on this contraption where you are sitting at an angle, there are different amounts of weights that are on it, you put your ankles behind this bar, and then you swing your legs up. Geez, but that wasn't any fun at all. In fact, when I got home I got a cramp in my quads that I thought would never leave.
I have gotten my leg to 3.5 degrees with zero as a goal. I don't think I can reach zero in the time I have left at therapy. I will do the best that I can and my doctor will have to be happy with that. We also went to the stairs and I was supposed to put my right foot on the step and then step up without holding on to anything. Couldn't do it. She let me put my hand on the rail, but I wasn't supposed to use it to hoist myself up. What she doesn't know won't hurt her. Probably won't help me, but I did try and not use my hand for leverage - it just happened that it did help to get me up on that step. I did tell her that my quads definitely need developing more.
Went to the dentist for my 6 month cleaning and NO CAVITIES!!!!! That temporary crown was hanging on a thread and the dentist re-cemented it. My new crown should be in this next Wednesday, just in time for the wedding. Yeah!!! I certainly don't want to be a snuggled toothed granny at the wedding.
From there, I came back through town and went in the opposite direction to Many to get my oil changed. Looked at the ticket they put in the window and I had let it get 2000 miles beyond where it should have been changed. Who ever looks at that little sticker they put on the car? Glad I didn't harm the truck and will try to be more attentive. I want this vehicle to last a long time as I love driving a truck. Who'd ever have thought so?
Bought Halle's diamond earrings for her birthday, a card ( I should be shot since I make greeting cards, but just don't have time right now to do so), a bag to put them in, and some money and a card to put in the bag. She is going to be sparkling for the wedding. I know she is going to make an adorable flower girl. Can't wait to see that. Ran by Sonic for my daily treat when I go where there is one - an ice cream cone. I see how long I can make them last and this one lasted for about 12 miles.
Melyssa said that Zoey will be with her this weekend since T is coming in for the bachelorette party. They are supposed to be going to Lafayette. Why so far away from home beats me. Just hope they are careful down there. I know where I will be this weekend and that is at Melyssa's house playing with that doll.
There was this soft-sided toolbox at a store I went in today and I started to leave it and go back later and get it, but was afraid it would be gone. One present bought and paid for as a gift for Bill's Christmas. Bought Zoey a Gloworm that has music, a Fisher Price baby's first doll, and one of those things that has brightly colored donuts that stack. Two people now have Christmas presents. I treated myself to this wall clock that has like grandfather clock chimes in it, but it plays the most beautiful music. The lady at the jewelry store said that I could put it on layaway and I almost did, but hey, I could be dead by Christmas, so I bought it and Bill will hang it tomorrow for me.
A Funkis Among Us
8 years ago
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