It has been a while since I last blogged. I have had problems with connectivity that have driven me to the edge. Of course, when the repairman came out, it worked just fine. After he was gone, it began to drag. Next week if it doesn't want to cooperate, then I will call them again.
Friday night a week ago, I went to a scrapping. I got a lot accomplished on Emily's surprise scrapbook. That was the first time I have scrapped in probably a year or nearly a year. Hopefully, Rose will start having crops more now that summer is over with.
My tooth broke off and I saw the dentist this past Tuesday. It took forever to numb my mouth and before that happened, I cried. I haven't done that in years, but each time he said I was numb and he would drill, I could feel it. He would stop and numb me some more. He got about 1/2 way through and said the nerve, he was doing a root canal, turned a corner and he couldn't finish it. I have to see a specialist in Shreveport on Monday to finish the root canal and put in a post for a crown. All I know is that I better have something in that space in time for the wedding. He said we would be pushing it, but he thought it could be done. Of course, it is right in the front next to your big teeth and that would be horrible to go to the wedding like that.
Heath and his family came in late Friday night and we couldn't connect this visit. He had to plow and plant and I went with Melyssa and Emily to Shreveport today to the cake tasting and for Emily to see the doctor. Last week when she saw him, the antibiotic he gave her must be something she is allergic to. She had itchy bumps on her arms and legs. We stopped there first, but they were so full that we had to leave for the cake tasting and then come back. After that, we ate, then they went into Walmart to get her prescriptions filled and we ran to the hobby shop for two or three things.
Emily had to get home since she didn't feel well and also had studying to do. She slept all the way home. We couldn't even stop to see Heath she felt so bad. He and Gunnar will be coming in next Saturday for the opening of dove season and we will see them at noon. After hunting, they will go back to Arkansas since it is a long weekend and they can rest. That little family goes at breakneck speed 24/7, it seems. I just won't get to see Halle Clair and Chriss until the wedding as they aren't coming in for the hunt.
My mother's sister died on Monday of this past week. That only leaves four of eight children left in her family. She lost a brother at Christmas of last year, a sister-in-law two weeks ago, and now one of her sisters. She has one sister and two brothers left. I hate to see them get older because before you know it, there won't be any of them left.
My cousin and I have laughed over some funny things that happened when they and my brothers were boys concerning electric fences. I have laughed until I cried and even last night when it was so quiet in the house with Bill and the dogs asleep, I was in here howling just answering my brother about this man getting shocked with an electric fence. It is too long a story, but maybe you will get in in your email one of these days.
Another cousin and I have been debating where we will go after we die. I guess it is because of losing our aunt this week that the subject came up. He believes in God, but isn't convinced there is an afterlife. I just don't get it. I believe in God and His son, Jesus Christ. I believe that the only way you will go to Heaven is by believing in Christ. It is just something we have to have faith in. We have whipped the horse to death. I don't see us coming to any agreement anytime soon. I know I won't quit believing and I think it would take some kind of miracle, like he would have to die and come back, for him to believe there is an afterlife that will be so different than what we have to live through here on Earth. I don't understand how you can believe there is a God, but that you can't be convinced there is something good to look forward to after you die.
I am almost finished with all of my things to do for the wedding. The only thing left is for me is to cover some pens with ribbon and tie bows on them. I have printed cards that will be spread out on a table that say, "Words of Wisdom for Emily and Jakob." People will put something "wise" on the card and then put them in a basket that I bought today. It has two little handles on it and the girl doing the flowers will tie bows on each handle. When everyone has left, I am going to collect the cards and put them in the album for them to read in their leisure. I have seen that at several wedding lately.
The cake is ordered, Emily has to get jewelry for her attendants, gifts for the groomsmen since Jakob has no time off, Melyssa wants a different dress and has to look for it, and that is about all that is left to do. It is going to be an understated, elegant wedding. Understated certainly doesn't mean her parents are saving any money. LOL In fact, I think it must cost more to go simple and elegant. Now all Emily wants is for it to be over with. I told her today she should have taken the money and cruise and gotten married by a jp. She will have nice memories and pictures though. She picks up her picture on Monday for the easel at the reception. Oh, that has to be matted and framed too. Do you ever get through with getting a wedding ready to go? I don't believe so.
A Funkis Among Us
7 years ago
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